Three Poems
For this bad day, which has just begun. For this one shall to the kiosk after the well-known thing.
For this triumphant home-coming with the well-known
thing in the dust-coat’s inner pocket.
For those first, so pleasant buzzings from within.
For this depression caused by the following buzzings,
which are no longer so pleasant.
For this recovering anew.
For surviving however.
For this there is a little left.
For this one shall again to the kiosk after the well-known thing.
And in the end, for this that’s even without reason.
Pre-Holiday Cocktail
Should one again permit trade in ivory?
December is the happiest month of the year!
Long live Californian raisins and Italian
walnuts with condoms hidden inside!
Mads Thomsen invites us to a binge in the workshop,
which produces oak coffins. Let’s honour the memory
of our closest ones! Which bottle of wine is it now?
I have counted up to seven scented angels.
And in the end also Werner von Blomberg,
who changed the planet’s history by marrying,
unnecessarily, the sexy Fräulein Gruhn.
Police note the names of the guests.
Today I’m called Carp In Jelly - says the drunk
Mads Thomsen. From out of the heavens the first
broken glasses arrive. For a moment we forget about
our stout wives and other unpleasant maladies.
We are so tough again.
Proposal for June
In how many languages do birds communicate?
Are we the only civilisation in the universe?
Why are so many fools born every summer?
Out of these questions let’s make a lottery or anotherchain of honesty, and send them to our closest friends.
After one week we’ll get the first surprising answer.