Two Pieces
The Institute of Loafing
The Institute of Loafing began accidentally. It was not planned. It came to me through theact of writing, though, true, at the time, it was the wrong kind of writing, as it was the
writing of fiction (even if anti-fiction fiction) instead of the non-fiction I were tasked to
do. Thinking back on it, it is the product of hard work, the hard work of getting the job
done, hard work I spent most of the time avoiding, loafing
The pressure to make something of all that loafing is what produced the idea of theInstitute, but it was like I had to loaf to get the job done
I was thinking of starting up a blog called the Institute of Loafing (IOL), but I wonderwhether I’ll have the gumption to do much with it, to write much in there, on any kind of
regular basis. Of course that would be in keeping with the idea of loafing. I’m afraid
there’d be next to nothing to it as I’ll do nothing with it, loafing as I do
If I were to blog, I was thinking, I’d have to deal with the contradiction between loafingand institutionalization. Wouldn’t one negate the other
But while the Institute of Loafing was a natural outgrowth of the hard work of writing mydissertation, it did not in fact surface there but in another byproduct of writing my
dissertation: I HATE FICTION, which is a product of what they call “goofing off,” but
which is, properly speaking, an act of loafing
Btw, if anyone wants to publish IHF, by all means let me know, as I’m just too intoloafing to attend to that side of things, the business side of poetry; it’s like grading
papers—the teaching part’s great, but then comes exchange value
Since loafing is an act, an action, it does produce something, something that is sometimesquite concrete, certainly more concrete than one’s daily labors, generally speaking; in
one hole, out the other
I’d say “trying to write my dissertation,” but in fact I wrote my dissertation, completed it,and so it wasn’t in the end a matter of trying even if for the longest time that’s all I was
doing. For the longest time, all I was doing was trying. For the longest time, I comforted
myself with the thought that, although all the trying seemed like nothing other than trying
and no doing—though, true, the trying involved doing—all the trying would in the end
become doing if I managed somehow to complete the dissertation. Hence, what seemed
all along like all trying and no doing, and thus utter failure, would, if successful, simply
become what it is I had to do to get the job done, thereby transforming, in an instant,
loafing into work
For a long time I thought the Institute of Loafing would have to be a real place, a place where
you’d go for seminars on loafing by experts on loafing. That you’d go off for a
weekend retreat at the Institute of Loafing or a weeklong one. Maybe we could get
accredited and offer seminars on a semester by semester accredited basis, however much
that may contradict the very idea, the very spirit of loafing
I also thought of including live loafing, streaming constantly on my would-be blogspot.Where people could go to observe (and learn from) poets loafing. Poets because poets are
experts at loafing. The experts. Some are, at least. Others are way too busy for it
Walt Whitman obviously was a loafer and of course he wrote about it. Surely Walt issomewhere behind the idea of the Institute of Loafing, though he’d probably hate the
institute side of it, as do I. Of course, it’s not really an institute
But the institute idea is not the same thing as institutionalizing loafing. In my mind,institute is just a way to get the humans to pay attention to loafing today. Without
“institute“ there’d be no Institute of Loafing and hence no attention paid to loafing and
hence less loafing. Loafing would remain strictly private, disconnected from other more
rewarding forms of loafing. Privatized loafing, which is rampant. If there was no institute
in loafing, the humans would spend their time trying not to think about loafing, which
only makes them feel guilty the more they loaf, guilty because it’s a privatized form of
loafing, which, of course, is why they need to go to the Institute of Loafing
There are of course different kinds of loafing. Some are better than others. That is to say,there are bad forms of loafing and in fact these bad forms proliferate and have as such
given loafing a bad name. Bad loafing has doomed us and that’s why we’d just assume
not think about our loafing. Only an institute like The Institute of Loafing can redeem it
for us, can make us think about loafing, eventually getting to thinking about the good
kind of loafing, the kind that can save us
Loafing can help save the planet, perhaps. Certainly learning how to loaf again can helpus save the planet, or at least it can help us save the planet from becoming hostile to our
“way of life,” our life itself. Hostile to us, the planet our enemy, just when we thought we
were in charge
We’ll print out “loafer” pins and t-shirts and hats and bumper stickers, perhaps, if wehave the gumption
Not that you’re going to stop laboring; though, true, loafing replaces the labor privatizedloafing is, and will, if we will, eat into labor’s time, ideally, knocking it down to size
Exercising can be part of the loafing life, but it is not a form of loafing. So oftenexercising is the negation of loafing. Some of those who are prone to exercising have the
hardest time loafing. They know not how to loaf. And often are prone to abhor loafing
and the loafing life
Walking, the kind that’s not exercising, is certainly a great form of loafing, especially thekind where you’re like loafing when you’re walking; loafing can be exercising, but not
the other way around
Loafers are not slackers, though they are often mistaken as such. Perhaps it takes aloafer’s eye to see loafing for what it is. Slackers have a loafing spirit, but are too caught
up in productivity, finally. Loafers do at times slack off, of course, thank goodness
One might think my interest in poets and work (labor) means I’m interested in work(labor) when my focus on work (labor) has only to do with my interest in loafing (work)
Loafers tend not to be power walkers. They may very well walk quickly though whenthey’re loafing. But not because they are power walking or bound for anywhere
Twelve Poems from The Institute of Loafing
I’ve known many a fast walker and I can assure you they were headed nowhere
1This poem is like an
Eileen Myles poem,
like one of those ones
in sorry, tree or not me
2And this one’s like
Rodrigo Toscano
like anything out of
to leveling swerve
3I don’t know just
so it seems
like totally right
for this moment,
this age or decade
not in retrospect
but right
4But I want it also
to be Rae
before everyone
knew who
she was
5Though it could very well be
something recent, of that
6This one’s Charles Bernstein’s
thank you for saying
thank you though it may be
Charles Reznikoff too
7For a while it was
Appolinaire’s zoneThen came Tarkovsky
8And what about Ken
Smith who died suddenly
after a stint in Cuba, no
doubt having a hell of a
time, knowing Ken
9But this is becoming
something like a listso I’ll now
shiftinto a new thing
yet to be
10Something previously un
imaginable yet seemingly
inevitable now that it’s done
11Yes, yes, yes
Like when harry
met sallyEasily as easy
as that
12Any thing
Tan Lin