Three Poems
Reading Antoinette May’s Pilates Wife: A Novel of the Roman Empire
Over Someone’s Shoulder on the Subway
Snakes undulated above her head. She tried to close her heavy eyes.
“Did your husband drink it?”
Reading Alison Plowden’s Lady Jane Grey: Nine Days Queen Over
Someone’s Shoulder on the Subway
good deal of one another
daily intercourse
friendship having developed
exchange of gifts
pregnant and sumptuous
attentive royal
’till I were weary of
Reading Brisingr by Christopher Paolini Over Someone’s Shoulder on the Subway
1.“It is not my place to tell you this,”
“There are only four dragonsand an egg left.”
2.Still alive
Unstopping the decanter
“Protecting her?”
“From what?”
“From you?”
“Do you still have your heart of hearts within you?”