from time to time, Douglas Basford has used whatever barsoap was in the soapdish when the shampoo ran out, and is truly repentant. a chapbook, Our Humor, is forthcoming from Rager Media, and other recent work can/will be found in/at Chain, can we have our ball back?, Unpleasant Event Schedule, 32 Poems, and 580 Split.
Jessica Bozek grows less scared of southern bugs and more addicted to Baltimore homicide dramas each new year she spends in Athens, Georgia. she may not be mechanically inclined, but she has been known to lather twice.
Christopher Brown was born in the winter of ’69, or the summer of that year, depending where you were, which makes him a rooster. his work appears in: foam:e, Snorkel, Stylus Poetry Journal, and Blue Dog. he lives in Newcastle, New South Wales.
Marie Buck, whose poetry one might find online at Glitterpony and Weird Deer, thaws out in Massachusetts and is proud to share a birthday with Liv Tyler, Princess Di, and Pamela Anderson.
Jeremy P. Bushnell lives in Chicago, where he proudly contributes to the raising of a small lovely platypus. odds are good that he is currently on tour.
Vadim Bystritski was born in 1966 (Mangyshlak). in 1983 he finished High School #153 (Apsheron). by the way, Mangyshlak and Apsheron are peninsulas of the Caspian Sea; consequently, deserts and nomadism are very important to him: he has migrated all his life, eventually (1989) making the US a part of his tribal territory.
Otto Chan, a very dapper rooster.
by all intents and purposes, Justin Chin should be a raging alcoholic by this point in his life, it’s just that he simply cannot drink that much is all; a fact so feeble that it should drive him to the bottle.
Cameron Scott Conaway II is currently a junior at Penn State University Altoona pursuing a double major in English and Criminal Justice. he is passionate about animals and the sport of mixed martial arts. he plans on going to grad school for an MFA — primarily because he shares a birthday with William Shakespeare.
Ryan Daley writes poems and lives in Providence, Rhode Island. his other exploits include—having lived and taught English in Costa Rica—many things to plead the Fifth about. his arm falls asleep in the spoon.
Julie Doxsee, when sipped slowly, goes well with Hawaiian Hapu’upu’u. her 21st century hair draws envy from Rapunzel despite the fact that certain pomades are too slick for Prince Charming. recent work is forthcoming in Coconut, Eratio Postmodern Poetry, Word For/Word, Typo Magazine, and otherwheres.
Steffi Drewes sleeps and wakes in Oakland, California. her work has appeared in
Beeswax Magazine and has been performed in The Poets’ Theater Jamboree at Small Press Traffic in San Francisco. she currently enjoys birds, tall socks, cinnamon, and large bodies of water.
AnnMarie Eldon, an identical twin, evolved from cryptophasic origins in once densely industrialized Birmingham, England, having been taught at age three by her gypsy grandmother to recite the alphabet backwards. since September 2001, juggling various personae interiorae, US/UK homes and children, she survives relative domestic deprivation and hormones within the mediocrity of a picturesque Oxfordshire market – from where she achieves successful adult differentiation and aims high for spiritual equanimity.
Matt Finney is a white trash poet who burns his ass up in a small Alabama town.
Elisa Gabbert grew up hotly in Texas and now lives coolly in the Boston area. her rapper name is Li’l Fisticuffs.
Scott Glassman loves his Holland lop, Chloe, and his wife Linda equally (on most days) in South Jersey. his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Iowa Review, CutBank, Epicenter, Sentence, and others. many poems occur on his blog, including some you can watch and hum to.
Harvey Goldner : “when I was a child, my lesbian aunt, Suzanne, would spend a week or so every summer at my family’s vacation home on Lake Wenatchee, here in Washington State. this was before the era of motorcycle helmets, and Suzanne would arrive on her blue Bugatti, her red hair streaming, flaming. while tossing back straight shots of my father’s precious scotch, she would mesmerize my twin brother Phil and me by reading aloud her favorite poets, chiefly Elizabeth Bishop. eventually, my brother Phil became an alcoholic and was killed in a motorcycle accident, and I began writing poems.”
Noah Eli Gordon was not born and raised in Seattle’s Haller Lake neighborhood. his first film is not a tour documentary about the band Califone entitled Made a Machine by Describing the Landscape and co-directed with Solan Jensen. his film will not be released later this year by Thrill Jockey Records.
Bernard Henrie trades foreign currencies online and lives in the Mojave Desert near Los Angeles. ideal he says for a poet looking for time to write. he’s a foreign film fan and recent publications include Desert Moon Review, Sundress/Stirring, Oberon, and Wild Poetry Anthology. he won the Interboard Poetry Competition (IBPC) for January, 2005.
Kyle Kaufman is a San Francisco-based writer, editor, and even publisher. someone was once murdered a half-block from his doorstep, and he only found out three months later. both fire ants and killer bees are introduced species – the North American killer bees being the result of a botched scientific experiment at creating a super-honeybee.
Raud Kennedy works as a dog trainer and is currently in search of the perfect shade of brown through the manipulation of the canine diet.
Jim Kober lives in Tucson, Arizona. recently domesticated, his new skull ring allows him to feel dangerous on nights he turns in before midnight. his favorite thing is sticking it to his enemies on their own turf. mostly though, he wants a wall covered in brand new shoelaces. we all know Ashlyn is obsessed with orange.
individual entries on Richard Kostelanetz appear in Contemporary Poets, Contemporary Novelists, Postmodern Fiction, Baker’s Biographical Dictionary of Musicians, A Reader’s Guide to Twentieth-Century Writers, Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia of Literature, Webster’s Dictionary of American Authors, The HarperCollins Reader’s Encyclopedia of American Literature,, and the Encyclopedia Britannica, among other distinguished directories. living in New York, where he was born, he still needs two bucks to take a subway.
Lauren Levin grew up in New Orleans. her hair smells like chlorine and her shoes are blue. she has a poem in GutCult and one forthcoming in Mrs. Maybe.
George Manka is an Italian who grew up in Sydney and now lives and works in Amsterdam. his poetry has appeared in Overland and Big Bridge. he is famous for the Dalì soft rubber hula hoop (5 sold worldwide).
Gaston Ng has more than once mistook liquid soap as shampoo. this has resulted in dry hair, and drier humour. he will be attending university starting this August. apprehensively tentatively.
Milos Petrovic was born before 25 years in Jagodina, Serbia, Europe. his two books of poetry were published in 1999 (Gambit, Jagodina) and in 2001 (SKZ, Belgrade). now, he is a poet conquestor — and his next prey is USA! hairless man got clean hair — only! see you in Hotel California.
Jonathan Pickering is an Emerson College student. he smokes cigarettes which he wants to quit and works on a website that is unrelated to cigarette smoking. check it out.
Lanny Quarles is in total supplication to the monstrous authenticity of the Earth. at present he is strumming the lickerish black spaghetti al funghi which stretches between the mouse trap and the golden bat. its song is perhaps represented here, as the blog, Phaneronoemikon.
Paul Siegell once filled in “Lavatory Aviator” after “Your Ocupation” on his federal income tax return. currently in Philadelphia, this year it’ll actually, and honestly, say “Writer.”
Theresa Sotto purchases shampoo and conditioner intended for “extremely dry hair.” she lives in Santa Monica, California, where she has access to a variety of top-of-the-line hair products.
Boyd Spahr grew up across the street from Seth Green. his (Boyd’s) work appears in recent issues of Fascicle and mark(s). Seth Green will soon be Lyle in The Brazilian Job.
poet and publisher Jill Stengel lives in Davis, California with her two small children and her darling husband. she has curly locks. she likes bagels with cream cheese and lox. her husband likes capers.
Robert Strong is mostly at home. he works at a small technical college in a large state university system teaching communication skills to young Americans for our future. in June 2006, you can read his Puritan Spectacle (Elixir Press) for pleasure.
Eileen Tabios believes this saying should be washed out: “the dirtier the hair, the better the poet.” more loving blather where she’s the Chatelaine.
Davide Trame is an Italian teacher of English, born and living in Venice, Italy, writing poems exclusively in English since 1993. they have been published in around one hundred and fifty literary magazines since 1999, in U.K, U.S., and elsewhere. recently in Poetry New Zealand, New Contrast (South Africa), Nimrod (U.S.), and Prague Literary Review.
Letitia Trent and Zachary Trent live in Columbus, Ohio, with a cat named Cheeto who has absolutely no use for shampoo. Letitia’s work is forthcoming in Pinstripe Fedora. Zach’s favorite DnD online character is Garjangajar, a 7 foot robot.
Jennifer Willoughby lives in Minneapolis, where she writes for love and occasionally money. some publications include Rhino, The Indiana Review, and Spinning Jenny. if you’ve ever met her, you know what it is to be followed home by a bashful crow.
Tim Yu is thinking of taking up curling.