jewel case: H5N1
femur | knee joint | scheme of gutride & phallic daze this year, it will. spring migration. encounter. Asia to Alaska
in Alaska and elsewhere. projected. five to six times. as many birds
worry. south this fall
(i was courting you. inter-spacially
your answer)
oftentimes the cavewater. sublets. parishes (glow into us)
jolie’s format. riverboat | taxonomy. suit of. i love you in sickness. frivolous. as its
proportions(coffins) may not have a diagnosis
in the cargohold. dreamflood. 5th watertight. compartment. screams for rivets & angles
Oedipus jpeg-glut. -ular. -uvial. your america. is america. is amer-ican-izing
fully hierarchical hegemonies. describe yourself (weight. height. color)
running length (30 years. 19 days. 5 hours)
sepia-tones & ayub ogada. honeysuckle. quarter darkness 1/5th of it. interesting to the un-
haldoledmercy medical. rehab / mica-embossed. humanization. bluegrass equated with
i pronounce you healed