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Shane Allison will soon be featured in Frigg, as well as Dicey Brown.

Carl Annarummo co-edits pettycoat relaxer pettycoat relaxer while juggling knives.  his turn-offs include greed, bronchitis, and excessive racism.

Angela Ball has recently discovered one drawback to having a dog door: indoor bone re-burial.  she enjoys riding her road bike, even though the clip-in pedals still occasionally cause her to fall over.

CL Bledsoe was born and raised on a catfish farm.  he currently lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas, where he takes out his frustrations by sadistically planting vegetable gardens and then methodically killing all the plants through negligence, abuse, and general stupidity.  if you like his stuff, Google him for more.

Tim Botta lives in North Carolina, where he’s an instructor at a local community college.  his blog is Nice Guy Syndrome and he has poems forthcoming in GutCult.

Andrew Brenza does no animal testing on his poems.  thus, he cannot be responsible for any side effects that may occur.

Tanya Brolaski — studious youth, sad swimmer.  here is no TV love!  her glistring armor made a little glooming light, much like a shade.

Del Ray Cross is dancing in his cubicle.

Mark DuCharme’s books include Cosmopolitan Tremble (Pavement Saw Press, 2002) and Infinity Subsections, forthcoming this year from Meeting Eyes Bindery.  he was born in Detroit, lives in Boulder, has brown hair and hazel eyes, and likes Mexican food.

Raymond Farr lives in Ocala, Florida.  while “shampooing” he likes to listen to music which says write now.  “I want to tell you.  my head is full of things to say.”  “all you sinners keep your lights on, all you children turn your lights on.”  his advice is: laugh and read and write for a healthy scalp.  read Ray at Aught, Word For/Word, and BlazeVOX 2k4.

Brian Fugett is a member of the slacker, fast food generation that has been branded with an “X”.  he sits in his pad all day consuming more oxygen than he’s worth.  creating generic shampoo art has been a passion of his since he 1st learned how to wash his hair at the tender age of 7.

Heather June Gibbons is unemployed in Seattle.  she has no pets or children, but is finally learning to cook.

Andrea Gonzales enjoys talking to friends, and with a second home at the mall, she also loves shopping.  she became interested in writing poetry in a creative writing class, when a teacher introduced her to it.

Kelle Groom’s first collection of poems, Underwater City, will be published by University Press of Florida in July 2004.  she lives in Orlando and misses the ocean.  Dylan just went to his first dance.

Annalynn Hammond says “some people say sodium laureth sulfate (an ingredient in many shampoos) is carcinogenic.  but others say this is a hoax. I don’t know the truth, but I do know the industrial shampoo used to wash cattle is 100% sodium laureth sulfate—a sure sign of danger?  you decide.”  consequently, her first book is titled Dirty Birth, and will be available from Sundress Publications in spring 2004.

Yuri Hospodar lives in Dorchester and hides from the cold and dampness.  by June he will, however, have returned West, just in time for San Francisco summers, and hiding from the cold and dampness.

Michael Ives consists of a partially functioning collection of oddments loosely understood as the “behaviors” of a peculiarly backward people who collectively refer to themselves as “Michael Ives,” but only when called upon to refer to themselves.

Paolo Javier is the author of the forthcoming book The Time At The End Of This Writing (Ahadada Books), and edits 2nd Avenue Poetry (best viewed using Netscape).  like Bob Harris, Paolo often wonders what’s become of Charlotte, and wishes her well.  but the poem is for Lucille.

Stephen Kirbach nurtures an obsession for fruits of all sizes in Asheville, North Carolina.  the buds on his fig tree turn toward the sun.  it’s in his window, these items on both sides, and he’s delighted about the invention of glass.

Susanna Kittredge is currently pursuing an MFA in creative writing at San Francisco State University.  she still thinks fog is cool.

David Laskowski is currently a doctoral candidate in English at the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.  he has a wife and two cats named Max and Charlie.

Cassie Lewis is about to go and live in the snow.

Brendan Lorber is the editor of LUNGFULL! magazine and curator of The Zinc Talk / Reading Series.  he teaches writing at the St. Marks Poetry Project.  he’s the author of Dash (Situations, 2003) a beguilingly beveled and devilish poem-object bound with a grommet.  also of The Address Book (The Owl Press, 1999), Your Secret (Faux Press, 2000), Corvid Aurora (LHB, 2002) and, with Jen Robinson, Dictionary of Useful Phrases (The Gift, 2000).  Tracey McTague and he collaborated on Book of the New Now (The Gift, 2002), a series of collages.  a longer book of poetry, Welcome Overboard, continues to be in the works.  he is the recent recipient of a haircut and has a shave forthcoming.

Bob Marcacci lives and writes in Osaka, Japan.  are you surprised to find him begging for scraps at your feet with the other cats?

Karyna McGlynn is a writer and photographer living in Seattle.  she attends the creative writing program at Seattle University where she serves as poetry editor for the Cascadia Review.  her favorite shampoo is Aussie Moist and she has a gay cat named Maxwell Houser.

Alvin Pang has force-fed several literary anthologies and two books of poetry, including City of Rain (2003), to humanity at large.  he’s been round the world peddling his craft at major festivals, started his own and haunts the internet at the poetry billboard and other sites.  he has always needed glasses.  when he rules the universe, he will be kind to you.

Shane Plante is currently reading Finnegans Wake.

Lisa Radon is poet for whom Sound is King...taste of words in mouth, tongue on teeth.  forthcoming work includes pieces in Whitewall of Noise and recording of ongoing collaboration with drummer Tim DuRoche, Others.  Portland is good.

Jessy Randall’s three-year-old son claims to have drunk marshmallow juice on another planet.  her newborn daughter can make a pirate face.

Sarah Rosenthal’s recent poems and fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in Aufgabe, VeRT, and Xcp.  interviews she’s conducted with other Bay Area writers can be viewed at Jacket and Rain Taxi.  the sun peeks through her blinds in the morning, casting evocative shadows on the walls.

Kate Schapira lives, writes, and teaches in Providence, Rhode Island.  one of her students recently compiled a list of beauty tips for her upcoming wedding; item #8 was “wash your hair.”

John Schertzer bathes his son Liam almost every night, using a variety of sudsy products from Johnson & Johnson, Mustela, and California Baby, all of which inform the slippery nature of his saying and its connection to living, most recently in Pavement Saw and American Letters & Commentary, but also on the bathroom tile in a special kind of bath tub crayon.

Alessia Sersanti is a foreigner with an Italian accent that sounds more like a Russian at sunset – just when she starts seeing everything in vivid colors, and when she starts painting her kitchen table in savanna-style and her chairs become red high-heeled Versace shoes.....she loves RED.

Marcus Slease knows what his name sounds like but it has no resemblance to his character or nationality.  he loves crisps.  he loves oily hair.  some recent poems can be found in Typo Magazine, Conduit, and Octopus Magazine. Check out his blog.

Kirby Wright wants you to buy Before the City, his first and last book of poetry.  do it now.  he will gladly reimburse you in the afterlife for any debts you incur.

Stephanie Young was agonizing over her bio until she realized in the shower this morning that she’d been using the same bottle of shampoo since January.  thrifty?  mystic?  you decide.  she still likes Oakland best.  now with added spring.

Tim Yu is known to millions as “The Asian American Billy Collins.”  find out why at his blog, tympan.

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