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Brian Ang is the author of Communism (Berkeley Neo-Baroque, 2011) and Paradise Now (Grey Book Press, 2011) and the editor of ARMED CELL.  he lives in Oakland.

Jeffrey Angles teaches Japanese literature and translation in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where he lives in a house surrounded by an overgrown garden.

Tokihiko Araki (荒木時彦) is an architect who works in Kyoto.  among his publications is the book of poetry, Hi‖ no chōkō, oyobi materia ni tsuite (Premonitions of negation and on material), Sōgenshisha, 2009.

Christopher Barnes’ collection, Lovebites is published by Chanticleer Press 6/1 Jamaica Mews, Edinburgh.

Aaron Belz’s second book, Lovely, Raspberry, has been lauded by his parents as “impressive!  we didn’t know you had it in you, son.”  his parents still live in Kirkwood, Missouri, where he mostly grew up, though now he lives in Hillsborough, North Carolina.

[Benjamin Bourlier] will starve a monarch, is published in Indiscretions, and studies piano and composition at University of Michigan.  he got kept up with, but’s backing up.  the right Stravinsky picks’ll get him flushed and you dope.  he is a major single.

Dan Brady is the poetry editor of Barrelhouse.  his poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Big Lucks, BlazeVox, Circumference, Dark Sky Magazine, Gargoyle, IsReads, Specs, and elsewhere.  in addition to poetry, he also loves rocks.

Joe Bussiere is a poet that lives in Brooklyn.  he exists.  he knows how to use translate.google.com as well as various search engines.  he is a scientist in the field of linguistics.

Billy Cancel is a Brooklyn based poet/performer. self-publishes through Hidden House Press.  a collection, The Autobiography Of Shrewd Phil, was published by Blue & Yellow Dog Press in September 2010.  does not attend did not graduate Bard, Pratt, Temple, The New School, or Naropa.  does not teach at Bard, Pratt, Temple, The New School, or Naropa.

Larissa Canney is in the Intermedia Arts program at Mills College, where she is investigating the notion of sensory acupuncture.  she makes videos and practices the buddhadharma.

F. A. Chambers is the former and future curator of the Gould’s Irregular Lectures lecture series.  when not scouring the world in junkets and scrimshaws for the exotic bark or root that will be the next “cinnamon” or “potato” or “sodium lauryl sulfate” upon which to base his fortune, he lives in Bloomington, Indiana, in someone else’s house.

Sylvia Chan is from the San Francisco Bay Area.  she likes untuned pianos, Bolano, jazz, condensed milk, ambidexterity.  she writes music three days a week and spends the other four copying songs.

Yu-Han Chao once dated a man who thought shampoo was bodywash for the first eighteen years of his life, and who now has no hair.  Yu-Han uses Pantene Beautiful Lengths.  her poetry book is We Grow Old (The Backwaters Press).

Adam Clay is the author of The Wash.  his second book, A Hotel Lobby at the Edge of the World, is forthcoming from Milkweed Editions.  he co-edits Typo Magazine, curates the Poets in Print Reading Series at the Kalamazoo Book Arts Center, and teaches at Western Michigan University.

Yoko Danno (團野葉子) is Japanese, and writes poetry solely in English, although people around her speak only Japanese.  “if you can’t visit Japan, try visiting Ikuta Press.”

Amanda DeMarco lives in Berlin, where many things have different names but shampoo is just called shampoo.  you can read more of her writing at Readux.

Eric Ellingsen’s bio can be found here or here but not here and not here either.  here is one minute of heart.  and here is one of the best things hands do.  maybe here will be one of his favorite places in the future.  here is one of the places he spends a lot of time now.  here is the real here.  if you like here you will probably like here too.

Allison Elliott lives and works in New York City.  she contributes regular book reviews to The Adirondack Review and hates when people say ‘Tex-Mex’ like it’s a bad thing.

Jessica Guzman lives in Tampa Bay where she sells cameras at an electronics store.  she keeps herself on a strict shampooing schedule, hoping to tame the savage curls.

Jeff Harrison.  find you one ignition devil left?  atop the roses, the skies hold more night the years more numerous pile.  of all myriad ignition devils, none stayed.

David Jalajel is originally from Baltimore, Maryland, but has planted roots in Cape Town, South Africa.  he is the author of the chapbook Moon Ghazals (Beard of Bees Press, 2009) and a book-length poem Cthulhu on Lesbos (Ahadada Books, 2011).

Jane Joritz-Nakagawa (中川ジェーン)’s sixth poetry book, notational, forthcoming in 2011 with Otoliths, will not prevent baldness.

Kristie Kachler found baking soda a harsh replacement for shampoo.  she lives and runs in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Linda King is a performance artist, poet, musician, and singer working on her MFA degree at Mills College.  she has been a featured reader at Poetry Express and Frank Bette’s Center for the Arts.  Linda is published in the Milvia Street.  this poet knows her own heart.

Haley Larson lives in Colorado.  her neighbor’s wi-fi signal is pretty weak.  some of her poetry appears in La Petite Zine and The Literary Bohemian.

Bobbi Lurie.  highly inhospitable, trapped indoors, mouth tightly shut, thinly papered and sealed with peeling sealing wax, hoping the letter of self will one day be torn open and read.

Alexandra Mattraw’s firefighter father led a secret double life as a salon hair stylist in the 1970s.  her haircuts lack symmetry.  Achiote Press published her chapbook, Projection, in 2010.  you can find her poems in Denver Quarterly, Seneca Review, VOLT, Word For/Word, and Verse, or look for her new work forthcoming in American Letters & Commentary.

Keiji Minato (湊 圭史) has lived in Kyoto for more than a decade, hating its sweltering summer and cold damp winter and loving its cozy life and beautiful riverbanks.  when not teaching literature and English courses at Ritsumeikan and Doshisha Universities, he writes and translates free verse poetry, haiku, and poetic commentary.  among his publications is the book Garasu no me / Nuno no hifu [Glass eyes / Cloth Skin] (Sogenshisha, 2004).

Feliz L. Molina has published and is forthcoming in Publishing the Unpublishable (UbuWeb), Titular Journal, Dark Sky Magazine, and elsewheres.  she now lives in Buffalo, New York down the street from Anchor Bar, home of the Original Buffalo Wings.

Dustin Luke Nelson is a founding editor of InDigest.  his poems exist in places like H_NGM_N, Sink Review, MonkeyBicycle, Minnetonka Review, and elsewhere.  he still thinks that there might be a lifetime supply of shampoo as a reward for these poems.

Chad Parenteau’s last chapbook was Discarded: Poems for My Apartments.  he currently organizes and hosts the historical Stone Soup Poetry series in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  he says that, thanks to his optometry job, he knows the back of his eye better than the rest of his body.

Daniel Picker was awarded The Dudley Review Poetry Prize at Harvard in the Spring of 2010; he hopes to publish a book of poems soon.  his work has appeared in Harvard Review, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and many others.  he misses the family dog.

Justin Roberti has been writing plays, poems, stories, and documentaries for over fifteen years.  he has a Master of Fine Arts in playwrighting and has had his work published, produced, and performed through numerous outlets.  an itinerant dreamer, Justin has a dark past as an assistant to a psychic, a professional puppeteer, and a groom for an Old West Indian’s horse.  these statements are literally true.

Zachary Gray Sanderson is only a few years away from a new bike.  this is his first disappearance in print.

Evan Schnair’s occupations are poet and educator.  Evan’s poems appear in BlazeVOX, elimae, and Monday Night.  he recently arrived back in California with his wife on Pop’s Conestoga Wagon.  he lost two oxen at the river crossing and traded one bison for hair elixir.

Spencer Selby has performed his work in many North American cities and in Europe.  he is the author of eight poetry books and five compilations of visual work.  he currently lives in Ames, Iowa.

Paul Siegell is on gchat a lot.  he gchats about poop a lot.  the emoticon for poop on gchat is ~@~.  you should try it.  it makes a hot steaming mess, flies included.  Paul is the author of three books of poetry: wild life rifle fire, jambandbootleg, and Poemergency Room.  he has book trailers for each of them here, and houses everything at ReVeLeR @ eYeLeVeL.

Ron Silliman’s most recent book is Wharf Hypothesis from Lines Editions.  his sculpture From Northern Soul (Bury Neon) has been installed permanently in the transit center in Bury, Lancashire.  he will be a Kelly Writers House Fellow in 2012.

The Sweet Trade is: a rousing and roguish pair of performers
                               playing songs of their own and their own takes on others
                               plucking and strumming and bowing quite gaily
                               instruments ending in ’lin and ’ulele

Goro Takano (高野吾朗) is an assistant professor at Saga University Faculty of Medicine.  he teaches nothing but English there, partly because he doesn’t know anything about medicine.

Yess Terday.  Michael Jackson.

Cody Todd composed these poems in a historic West Hollywood haunt, the Formosa Cafe, a favorite watering hole of Lee Marvin, and across the street from the cookie-cutter studio villages of Warner Bros, where every window of every apartment on every building looks exactly the same.  often enough, Todd can be found on a sandy knoll on the Venice Boardwalk, studying the beachfront carnival barkers, tattoo parlors, graffiti nomads, skateboard champions, and medical marijuana dispensaries from afar and taking notes dutifully.  he is the co-creator and managing editor of The Offending Adam.

John J. Trause, the Director of Oradell Public Library, is the author of Seriously Serial and Latter-Day Litany, the latter staged Off-Off Broadway.  his translations, poetry and visual work appear in many journals and anthologies in North America and Europe, including the artists’ periodical Crossings.  appearing in the City Lights Books celebration (Poetry Project, St. Mark’s, New York, New York) with Steven Van Zandt, Anne Waldman, and Karen Finley, and in Visible Word (Stevens Institute, Hoboken, New Jersey) with Jerome Rothenberg, he is cofounder of the William Carlos Williams Poetry Cooperative (Rutherford, New Jersey).  at various times in his life he has been mistaken for being a priest, a policeman, a pimp and a pornographer.

John Moore Williams’ hair-washing regimen leaves (many) something(s) to be desired, but he has discovered an unforeseen fringe benefit to this disregard for contemporary social mores regarding hygiene: the poems you find here are in fact the detritus sluiced from the aforementioned soiled locks, each thoughtfully numbered and cataloged to indicate its order of emergence.  previous unearthed bits have been published in several chapbooks and on his blog, of which you can discover more here and here, though those seeking poesie should arm themselves for battle with the unutterable hordes of disappointment.  his most recent publications include a chapbook of visual poetry in Dan Waber’s this is visual poetry series and iu, the 47th text in mIEKAL aND’s Xerolage series.

A.W. Wilson is a machinist and poet in Tucson.  “LONG LIVE THE NEW BLUE-COLLAR POST-POST-AVANT (PANTENE Pro-V Wing)!”

annie won believes that the world should only write in lowercase letters.  secretly employed and sometimes mistaken as an underage terrorist (or chemist), she is frequently trying to blow things up.  she has yet to make (explode) her own shampoo.

juiced up on Harvey Wallbangers and wasabe pistachios, Desmond Zhicheng-Mingdé is in a tizzy over the hamburger press he got in a raffle.  an editor of over ten books, he has four new chapbooks in 2011 from Silkworms Ink, Ronin Press, and Firstfruits Publications. he needs new high thread-count sheets too, wrinkle-free please.

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