Paul Siegell
Two Poems

*shutter shades*

* ain’t blasé. just bike to the bar *          * ain’t blasé. she just biked over *

* and then nik, in her cowboy boots *         * and then ‘h,’ in his girl-tight jeans *

* music ‘disappeared.’ Brooklyn kin *         * as music ‘emerges.’ Blind Pilot tix *

* going to ‘delete’ it from their blog *            * you see that comment stef posted? *

* cheap beer, rent, flashing lights *                * cheap beer and a flashing effect *

* peeking out of her V-neck *                            * gawker up her chest tattoo *

* ‘interested’ in seeing *                                                                           * prescience of ‘scene’ *

flash, drive! love it Live music.
are things Wild where a girl on
the lawn in front of you has un-
paperclips wound in her dreads,
lifting them up in all directions?
feels a difference b/w being at a

show             & being in one. to
listen            to tight wandering.
chord            coils of        I/they
create           Tickets        6-foot
soundance songs of         When
we Together reach:          Alive.

Page side=Rage side. D.A.R.E.
to keep Trey off drugs. People
for a Louder Mike. Hold Your

Head Up, Henrietta. I didn’t d-
isappear. my mind’s right here:
the tender shred bomb vacuum
                    band!, all boiling
in the brain cauldron: Music as
mysterious as the Silhouette of

  thinking. festival
territory: welcome
phanner       Antics,
summer       dancing
melodic discombobulations of
what blasts us Outta our sacks,
once Again, like Never before.

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