S H A M P O O   21

ShampooArt by Catherine Daly

Shane Allison loves Kung Fu movies, waffles, and Dove chocolate bars.  his friends include Jarret Keene, Matthew Freedman, Carly Sachs, Todd Pierce, and his imaginary fag hag, Matilda.  he doesn’t live in New York or L.A.

Anne Boyer grew up in the middle of Kansas, just south of the world’s largest ball of twine.  she now lives in Iowa with two adolescent French pullets, Fidelia and Perpetua.  she publishes doctored photos of her hens with the literary stars at Pecked.

Kate Colby wonders if Todd Colby also suffers from seasonal allergies.

Kevin Connelly is the author of Testing the Drink.  he’s a hysterically funny agoraphobic recluse with a penchant for wordplay and constant television watching.  he currently resides with his girlfriend in California, where he works as a cashier at a grocery store.  the eccentric poet never drinks water and refuses to wear anything but velour sweat suits.

despite the fact that he’s 6’ 7”, Bruce Covey was never very good at basketball.  he is Adjunct Professor of Creative Writing at Emory University and the author of The Greek Gods as Telephone Wires and the forthcoming Ten Pins, Ten Frames, both from Front Room Publishers.

MTC Cronin is very fussy about her shampoo and even more fussy about her conditioner.  she buys in bulk to avoid disappointment.

Catherine Daly is author of DaDaDa (Salt Publishing, 2003) and Locket (Tupelo Press, 2004).  she buys her shampoo, albeit shampoo which doesn’t enrich George Lucas, only hair follicles and shafts, at 99 cents only stores.

Anna Eyre.  anna: spelled the same forwards as backwards, tends to live her life the same way, in chaos.  when she’s not pitting cherries or slicing rhubarb paper thin she’s practicing to become an alphabet acrobat.  she has a new effing chapbook out titled Metaplasmic.

Michael Farrell wrote ode ode (Salt) and says “do people who don’t like music need it?  Avril Lavigne I’m talking to you ...”

Thomas Fink, whose third book of poems, After Taxes (Marsh Hawk Press), is forthcoming in November, 2004, spent two days in Atlantic City recently and was not tempted to play the slots, but he did sample several unusual soft serves.

Andrew French.  born: Chicago.  age: 44.  poetic style: jux-a-position.

Daniel Gallik has been living a depraved life.  ever since he retired as a public school teacher.  has had poetry and short stories published by Hawaii Review, A.I.M.(America’s Intercultural Magazine), Parabola, Nimrod, Limestone (University of Kentucky), The Hiram Poetry Review, Aura (University of Alabama), and Whiskey Island (Cleveland State University).  currently, Daniel’s agent, Andrew Hamilton, is working on selling his three evil novels to some stupid American publishing firm.

Nicole Gervace has recently been working on a series of prose poems about domestic violence: “for this project, I have to read some very difficult source material, which deeply affects me.  to escape, I work on writing exercises.  these poems turned out to be just as disturbing as the domestic violence poems, but I enjoyed experimenting with the style and language.  they are modeled after Charles Reznikoff and Lorine Niedecker.”

Carolyn Gregory has been published in American Poetry Review, Yankee, Seattle Review, Poets On, South Florida Poetry Review, Midwest Poetry Review, and many other university and small press journals.  she also writes classical music and theatre reviews and works in academic medicine.  she has a published chapbook, The Wait, and was featured in an anthology of ten women poets, For Lovers and Other Losses.  her first book, Open Letters, will be published in Boston in 2004.

David Hadbawnik was born in Detroit and is sorry he couldn’t be there to celebrate the Pistons' stunning victory over the Lakers.  he is currently organizing a poets’ softball league in San Francisco and hoping to get a gig walking dogs.  woof woof.

Jonathan Hayes likes to drop bath bombs and drink Budweiser.

Anthony Hawley’s poems have appeared in 3rd bed, 26, Denver Quarterly, Paris Review, New Republic, and more are forthcoming elsewhere.  he’s the author of two chapbooks of poetry, Vocative, from Phylum Press, and Afield, forthcoming from Ugly Duckling Presse.  he’s an editor at Fence magazine.  he is married to violinist Rebecca Fischer.

Yuri Hospodar lives in San Francisco.  nyeah nyeah!

David Huntsperger is a graduate student and an English instructor at the University of Washington in Seattle.  he likes bicycles and housecats and dislikes the texture of tofu and mushrooms.  someday he would like to travel to Berlin and have a thicker beard.

Jukka-Pekka Kervinen is a co-founder of FAACOPS, the Finnish & Australasian Co-Prosperity Sphere.  he has a blog, nonlinear poetry, and a composer’s page.  he lives near the North Pole.

Amy King will have a book soon from BlazeVOX books.  her website is amyking.org.

Rodney Koeneke recently learned that T-Gel causes head cancer, which throws his hair care regime all out of whack.  he’s the author of Rouge State and husband of bass legend Lesley Poirier.  the clam poems are from his new manuscript, musee mechanique.

Miriam N. Kotzin teaches creative writing and literature at Drexel University where she is the Director of the Certificate Program in Writing and Publishing.  she is famous for perfectly steamed asparagus.  her hometown in New Jersey was the site of the Palace of Depression.

Sasha Laczkowski lives in Tucson, Arizona.  she is sixteen and a high school student.  and she sends poems.  she absolutely positively loves her boyfriend and TIGGER!

Jon Leon is from Atlanta.  recent work has appeared in Pigeonfisher magazine.  he enjoys the 99cent V05 Sun Kissed Raspberry and riding his aging brown Huffy 3.  his first collection Boxed Transistor is finishing itself up and may or may not be forthcoming.

Beth Lifson lives in San Francisco.  her stylist’s name is Emily.

born and raised in Sacramento, California, Richard Lopez thinks he is Canadian.

Andrew Lundwall, with Star Smith (his soon-to-be-wife), is a co-founder of the electronic literary journal known as Poetic Inhalation.  he (aka “the bed gymnast”) holds the record for love-making in the Guinness Book of World Records.  his favorite ice-cream flavor is mint chocolate chip.

Camille Martin has a sop mop so posh.  oh so posh.  a shop ham has a hoop.  a hoop as posh as a sop mop.  soap has a map?  sho.  ash has a mao?  ha!  amp hops a poo?  oops.  ma, pa, ah am so sham.  so sham am ah.  moo.  moo.

Murray Moulding is not a business.  he lives west of Denver, edits the poetry page for Evergreen Living, and is afraid for us all.

John Mulrooney probably owes you money.  he’s good for it.  his toolbars have been hijacked and his collar was run over.  he’s almost over it now.

Katey Nicosia lives, writes, and crafts in Houston, Texas, where the heat often melts crayons in cars.  she teaches infants at a Montessori school and has two kitty cats which she calls “kiddens.”

Erica Olsen lives in San Francisco.  her Viking name is Erica the Peevish.  she is currently working on a sonnet sequence about her Jeep.

Christian Peet co-edits Tarpaulin Sky and his poems appear or are forthcoming in Fence, Fourteen Hills, Snow Monkey, elimae, can we have our ball back?, and elsewhere.  he has driven 200,000+ miles in his Subaru wagon, over the course of living on two coasts and tripping around 44 states.  he is proud to be a hairy, unkempt freak in a hygiene-obsessed culture; however, when he is forced to “clean up,” he shampoos his hair with JR Liggetts, his beard with Dr. Bronner’s All-One.

Laurie Price now lives in Granada, Spain.  wonders how many times she’s started that sentence the same way, ended it differently.

Travis Purser grew up in Gautier, Mississippi, where his Australian mother taught him how to rake footprints out of shag carpet.  later, he developed a deep appreciation for a hundreds-and-thousands sandwich (white bread, margarine, cake sprinkles) while living in a People’s Palace in Western Australia.  no wonder he writes.  he’s a reporter in Los Angeles and the Intermountain West.  his short stories and poems have appeared in Knocked, Pearl, Home Planet News, and Parting Gifts.

Kit Robinson is watching the playoffs on the back on his hand.

Ken Rumble scrubs behind the ears in Pittsboro, North Carolina, where he spends his free time lifting weights, flying kites, and gardening while listening to New Pornographers albums.  he is the director of the Desert City Poetry Series and list administrator for the Lucifer Poetics Group.  his poems have appeared in Drunken Boat, CrossConnect, Word For/Word, Carolina Quarterly, can we have our ball back?, and VeRT, among others.

Brandon Shimoda was born in Tarzana and raised in Ridgefield.  in 1999, he lived in Cottage Grove, where he milked goats.  his thoughts about them, and other animals, can be found in recent or forthcoming editions of Bullfight Review, Crab Creek Review, New Orleans, Thistle and elsewhere.  he currently lives in one of Colonel Sanders’ original motor courts, in Woodfin (the other is in Corbin).

Mike Topp celebrated his 88th birthday and we had a party in his honor at the lake.

John Tyson is a housepainter by trade, poet by necessity, an accident waiting to happen.  loves drinking ice cold beer with his 2 birds 2 cats 2 sons, Evan and Noah.  editor of Accurate Key and most recently work appears in puppyflowers #5.

Stephen Vincent’s Sleeping With Sappho is part of longer series of antonymical translations of If Not, Winter, Anne Carson’s book of Sappho translations.  Vincent lives in San Francisco where he is also working on Walking Theory, a serial work, the progress of which can be read on his blog.  recent work has appeared in Volt, Ecopoetics, and Score(Spore), and TextfilesWalking, his most recent book, is available from Junction Books.

Mark Young is the other confounder of FAACOPS.  he has a blog, pelican dreaming, and an author’s page at the New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre.  he lives near the South Pole.

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