Michael Farrell

Two Poems


con was like a lizard; bluey was afraid of getting fat

bluey came up through the trapdoor;
jesse came up through the trapdoor

con was like a lizard; bluey was afraid of getting fat; belinda drove through the area
kath drove through the area; sancho mingled with the pines; minnie made sounds with sticks

bluey drove through the area; belinda hummed along; con talked to the other
performers; laura found an abandoned dog

con was afraid of getting fat

con talked to the other performers; minnie made sounds with sticks; belinda came up
through the trapdoor; bluey mingled with the pines; cedric pooled their resources

minnie denied nothing; pearlie made sounds with sticks
jesse made sounds with sticks; bluey pooled their resources; fleur mingled with the
pines; minnie was afraid of getting fat; belinda drove through the area
kath drove through the area; laura pooled their resources

minnie pooled their resources

minnie found an abandoned dog; kath drove through the area; pearlie made sounds
with sticks; cedric read a great deal; sancho talked to the other performers; con was
like a lizard; fleur made sounds with sticks

minnie was like a lizard; laura pooled their resources

minnie mingled with the pines; lazarus talked to the other performers


   boyfriends in the oats.
   in the dirt & then the oats.
   i form a plan ...
   i fill the sink with warm, detergenty water, generally acting as if the water is special.
i turn my back for one moment on the clock, & theyre in.
   clean boyfriends; i smile to myself.
   then, thinking of soapy oats, i form a plan to rinse them.
   turning to the sink, theyve all drowned, again ...

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