Two PoemsBobby
Bobby was abandoned by his mother as a child Bobby wandered about town playing hide and seek until he found
his father who carried him to bedBobby’s father gave him green and grey army men and left him
alone in his room to play for hoursBobby taught himself to write and draw and thus he passed the years
Bobby thought his testicles were baby birds that he cupped in his
handsBobby wondered when they would fledge and fly away
Bobby worked in a planter by a parking lot
The pavement stretched into the distance like a charcoal lake and
Cat’s Nest
the cars shimmered on its surface
Bobby heard mewling when the sprinklers came on
Bobby found a cat’s nest with black newborns wet from birth and
irrigationBobby thought the parking lot was their father
Bobby felt sad when they cried in the rain and wished for their
mother to move them away to a dry placeBobby went to look at them when the sprinklers stopped
Bobby came up silently to the nest and peered in under the Azalea
The mother hunched over her kittens like a charcoal tent licking
the water off their bodies