Two Poems
poetry is about stopping wars
poetry is about waking people up again
poetry is about enlightening people
in groups
or one by onepoetry is about inspiring people
poetry is about raising people up
poetry is about reminding people of themselves
poetry is about not trying to do too much in every poem
and about doing gargantuan thingspoetry is about making life better for people
who don’t have it as easy as youpoetry is about speaking about
what is best in all of us
so that it can become part of the common life
every hollywood asshole
eventually holds a gunand has no faith in people
and no good ideasand helps the wars continue
and is better off than the majority—
gun imagery
gun visuals
gun energy
gun colors
gun inspiration
gun information
gun influence
gun words
gun direction
gun guidance
gun expression
gun expression
gun expression for you