Cellular Clause
ecstatic access stammer cause : effectecstatic alients in the moonlight : I mean
dis-stills like a lakebed full on slain
vermin — no chemical manufacture obtainable.
chronological break up awake do old diction ... do over ...
discuss ... do old drawers ? It’s a blinding sever
my ... my ... hand(!) sever blinds tidy : complicated
fuck yeah, it’s complicated. Be assured
I must have one start talk today . One strata
No stutter. Be affirmed of its complication
each by each memento tangle brine. Transcribe
each language ( the beauty of complexity )
way out not days not said . No. Do not
( ALERT ) Do not be unsaid. Is dancing ?
however cursed dead by work . Dead eye
hook. Dad bye book. Virginal ( vaginal ) stupidity
which gives way for Amy Vi Rac . I don’t
know her . Should I google her?
yields blank space a mind date fiction
fiction which predates perfume. So go in.
my Odysseus adviser in nature
OK I would try Neptune. But don’t knock your
purse or ref who are scattered | eyes out.
sutured truth? Unsew such a variable and
Date doubh bee at babee hurl
her blouse? Yes. Inject yourbrie in her ur hat or when will I
mis en scene with all of your
* do it?
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