2 PoemsSmoke
I love to smoke
in the dark.
I love the shapessmoke makes.
It is not
night but almostmorning. And you
will wake up
soon forwork, for
us, for
me.You cannot
count smoke, except
maybe its curlicuesthat disappear
quickly like Japanese
spies.You told me to stop
smoking since
our university days.“Don’t do it
for me,” you said.
“Do itfor you.”
I count
how many puffsI can suck
Old Slippers
all the way into me
in a minute.
Look at you both:
Two upturned palmsThat lifted me
Once into the gray,Uncompromising world.
Hands of a clockThat would point
Mostly in twoDifferent directions.
Now, one of you pointsBackwards, having
Learnt your lesson tooLate, and turning
Around to wonder.