Porno: Canto #200 (Crin: Ging To: Ward Ca: Nine)
The game enforces smirks
—Hart Crane (Chaplinesque)
Gather your Por: celain tumors.The: ater of thought: in which I blush with a sickening savo: ir fair—
Che: wing on the same tarant: ula, we vacuum
daily a pink slip:
I am preg: nant
With your fur brill: iant
Broken into three jit: tery question marks.
I mind-s: lash an exit in the sky. Sparks
My body-scape into an orange sea of gentler animo: sity,
Forgive me coun: try,
I cannot un: lock a hero amid stag: nant
Rhet: oric that always wins, in the end,
O my terror-struck America, we watch, mouths open,
as each candi: date begs
For a longer silence to re: coil
A million dollar commercial hyst: eria.
I unfold my unread: able underwater map
tilted toward future’s political crit: eria.
Irre: fu: table pharmacy
Of unethical epoxy:
Marriage’s recipe re-sip: honed, echoing
In my ego’s perf: orated tin ceiling.
I ig: nore the ora: nge alert, doing the hula-hula,Crawling into bed with my fury, my fur: ry mir: ror,
O hor: ror, O ter: ror!
Chewing on this fran: tic tarantula.