S H A M P O O   26

Sara Adams studies at the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies at the University of Redlands in Southern California.  she enjoys her amigos, frozen yogurt, and Bob Dole.  she also enjoys waiting to take out the trash until other people volunteer to do it.

Shane Allison is wearing a shirt by Prada, dress by CD Greene, fur by Jeremy Scott and watch by Piaget.

Curt Anderson lives in the woods above Santa Cruz, California.  he is frightened by milk cows and empty billboards.  his anorexic blonde hair is teased with starlight twice a week in lieu of affordable beauty enhancement products.

David Baratier has seven chapbooks from different publishers and an epistolary prose non-fiction novel, In It What’s in It, from Spuyten Duyvil.  “Poem in which I am the center of the extant universe” is a brief, factual account and solution for the age this poem was created in.

Heather Brinkman resides in Atlanta, Georgia.  lately, she has been washing her hair with a bar of soap.

Lily Logan Brown had a lot of trouble deciding whether to use all three of her names here, or only the first and last.  she is a first year student in the Saint Mary’s College MFA program and she likes to alternate shampoos frequently, so as not to let her hair get bored.

Victor Camillo is a mostly bald 60 year old mathematician at the University of Iowa and hence has less need for the shampoo in bottles than he used to.  he loooves to hang out in coffee shops and do math and write poetry more or less at the same time.  some of his writing is available through his web page at the University of Iowa math department.

Sue Carnahan lives in southeastern Arizona.  her chapbook Auto Repair won the 2004 Weldon Kees Award from The Backwaters Press.  she is becoming a speech-language pathologist and recently diagnosed herself with disorder.

Peter Davis is a guy who lives in Muncie, Indiana with his wife and son.  he’s got two brothers, three nephews, and a niece.  he’s published poems in some journals and has not published poems in some other journals.  he’s experienced (on some level) both success and failure.  he considers being in Shampoo a success.

Jamine Ergas spends her time choosing between burrito joints and practicing active listening.  what was that?  did you say a medium decaf mocha no whip extra hot light syrup in a double cup?  no problem....

Landis Everson is the first winner of the Emily Dickinson Award from the Poetry Foundation in Chicago.  his Everything Preserved: Poems 1955-2005, edited by Ben Mazer, will be published by Graywolf in September 2006.

Sandy Florian’s other Cantos appear in Elimae, Tarpaulin Sky, Word For/Word, New Orleans Review, 42 Opus, 14 Hills, and elsewhere.  she likes to dip her hair in sea-salted bath-water for that beach rat look.

Graham Foust recently moved from Iowa to California and shares his birthday with Gene Simmons, bass player for KISS.  his (Graham’s) grandmother turns 90 this year.

Michelle Greenblatt, who likes her showers daily, is the author of brain:storm (anabasis) and has or will be published in Aught, Blazevox, X-stream, Generator Press, Admit Two, The Argotist Online, Word for/Word, among others.  she is the new co-poetry editor at mprsnd, now called AND PER SE AND.  submit to her, she says, and she is not referring to the magazine.

Kevin Griffith lives and teaches in Columbus, Ohio, where he raises three kids and answers questions like “why do you have a face?” and “what is the meaning of ‘ever’?”  his most recent book is Paradise Refunded.

Meg Hamill lives in Oakland, California where she leads canoe trips on the San Francisco Bay.  once she flipped over in the San Francisco Bay and the water was very cold as the canoe and cell phone started floating away.

Melanie Hubbard is a recovering academic, still slogging away at the book and the job hunt, and part of a crack company of hardy souls trying to incorporate the sleepy town of Ruskin, Florida.  she’s got one dollah sunglasses, a thirteen-year old cat, a husband, a six-year-old girl, a dog, a guinea pig, several mutating tadpoles, an estivating snail, six laying hens, and two roosters.  find her poems in Typo 6, Fence 14, Swink, and Caketrain.

ronin medievalist and lover of the slow loris by day, Eleanor Johnson wends her way doctoral in Oakland.  by night a forager, she trawls factories, forests, and film archives.  by late afternoon, she declines and conjugates—que vive la langue morte.

Josef Kaplan, for the most part, lives and writes in Santa Cruz, California.  right now he’s in Dublin, Ireland.

Jon Leon is the editor at Wherever We Put Our Hats.  some recent work has appeared in Boog City, Order & Decorum, Kulture Vulture, and horse less review.

Ruth Lepson.  recent poems in The Wandering Hermit Review, Damn the Caesars, personnagesobscurs, Dispatx, forthcoming in EAOGH.  loves recent discovery of the giant squid at the bottom of the ocean.  finishing an article about Steve Lacy’s musical settings of Creeley.

this Thanksgiving Cassie Lewis travelled on a winding road through the Adirondack mountains.

Diana Magallón .  honey is sweeter than blood corazón de melón...  she edits te_a_tro.

Sarah Mangold lives in Seattle and publishes Bird Dog magazine.  she alternates between Brilliant and Shampure.

Teresa K. Miller teaches prose writing and grammar to pay for time writing ungrammatical poetry.  in May she plans to tempt fate and move her seasonal affective disorder to Chicago.

Tiffany Noonan is obsessed with Asian horror films, ear piercings, and Diet Coke.  at least twice a month, she pretends to be Greek mathematician.

Mark Pawlak’s fifth poetry collection, Official Versions (Hanging Loose Press), will appear in 2006.  he teaches mathematics at UMass Boston to support his poetry habit, and moonlights as a medium channeling Bertolt Brecht.

Jose Luis Peixoto writes poetry and, like so many others before him, takes a shower everyday (except in those days that he chooses to skip it).

Leigh Phillips has been genuflecting at the altar of the ivory phallus since 2001, as the resident underdog poet at Binghamton University.  her interests of study include convulsive beauty, compulsory heteronormativity, and people who colonize things.

Rositza Yordanova Pironska was born in the late 60s, which is important for her.  she lives at the moment in a mountain village in northwest Bulgaria and does everything she can do in the mountains.  she likes gardening and meditation, washes her hair, very often preferring Head & Shoulders with ocean minerals, writes poems, haiku poems, short stories, and translations.  moreover, she edits Krug (Circle) Review, published in Sofia.

Caleb Puckett recently suffered a nasty concussion that all but obliterated his once enviable business writing skills.  he urges readers to remember that spelunking and mudra do not mix no matter what the so-called “Spemudra” sect claims.

Lisa Radon thinks of poem on page as score for performance (especially in collaboration with improvising avant-jazz musicians).  when she grows up she wants to be Clark Coolidge in high heels.

Stephen Ratcliffe gets his hair wet (in salt water) every single day.  the poems in this issue of Shampoo are from HUMAN / NATURE, a recently finished 1,000 page book written in 1,000 consecutive days.  he lives in Bolinas where he publishes Avenue B books and teaches at Mills College in Oakland.

Tim Shaner writes: “I recently moved from the streets of Buffalo, New York to a wooded suburb in Eugene, Oregon.  here, deer walk upon our mountain — or, rather, our butte — but so far no quail, no spontaneous cries.  new words: old man’s beard, lung lichen, big leaf maple, banana slugs, and snow berries.”

Michael Sikkema is a figment of your imagination which, of course, gives birth to the world.  not too shabby eh?  he has published poems in Xantippe, Fourteen Hills, Bombay Gin, the tiny, and Mirage #4 Period(ical).

Andrew Slattery is a Newcastle poet.  his poems have appeared in literary journals, newspapers, magazines, and on radio, including Meanjin, Quadrant, The Weekend Australian, Poetry Salzburg Review, and Black Ink’s Best Australian Poems.  Andrew was awarded the Harri Jones Memorial Prize for Poetry.  he is a communications graduate from Newcastle University and lives in Lake Macquarie, Australia.

Rob Stanton is currently too busy teaching high school kids to write much.  he tends (shamefully) to use whatever shampoo his wife is using, with variable results.  he lives in Leeds, England, but would like to move ASAP.

Elizabeth Treadwell lives in Oakland where she and her young daughter have a date with no more tears detangling mist; they also collaborate on poems.  more info: here.

Sara Wintz was born in Los Angeles but grew up in northern New Jersey.  her poems have also appeared in issue xx of Can we have our ball back?

Kirby Wright likes the sound of a whistling teapot.  he laps up poi like a fiend and rides his pet elephant to the store.

Kristen Yawitz is a writer and teacher living in Belmont, California.  she’s buying bewilderment; her cleverness has been sold.

Mark Young is an out of work haruspex who keeps his hand in by dreaming of pelicans.

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