Yuri Hospodar

Bald of teh Tin Man

shoudl I mayb mayb mayb make a video abuot the sea
I mihgt colect awrds you knwo I mihgt cholect awards
unabadnoned by thwe batsards hella hording all a rets
yes you shoudl shoudl shoudl mkae a video abuot the sea
yes you shoudl shoudl shoudl mkae a video abuot the sea

             I ’ll land
             a ... land
             to appear</i

             I ’ll land
              a ... land
              to appear</I>

                  a ... land
                  to appear</I>

How Ill mget it from the camra trasnfer all a stuff I took
teh sea is quit pecific adn the sutbletys precice
tkae it to the Knikos rnet copmuters they have their
city by th ocean mkae you’re video on the sea
city by th ocean mkae you’re video on the sea

             to by new

                to by new

               to by new

Yuo can scren it at teh reading setup in a poets falt
We can scren it to the party llok for praking all nihgt long
But thats the pLace I cant not get to trsanit dont run their
the Sna Franscico torlleys once ran clearup to teh sea
the Sna Franscico trollyes once ran clearup to teh sea

             My buidlings
             all fixed up

             <My buidlings
                all fxied up

             <I>Now ym buidlings
                   all fixed

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