now i do i
i remember you now i do in
a cowboy hat say i
know because i dreamt of you
last night i think i
i dream in english now (three) timesthree stones from
the bottom drawer of a cluttered
desk (my
desk is where my mind is)
you mumble nottome in portuguese and
(in hand) which one looks
most like me eyes from
hand to eyes to silent somethinghe died day after i returned
a five week trip in (almost your land)
when we got home i checked the
answering machine (don’t
worry love i am going
to be fine i just wanted to let you
know that) to
towantneversobadly to hit erase
* * * * *
gray stone with a white band
around it (eyes hand to eyes you:
 :choose) do you know the english
word for halo
pawing at your cat more he
at you you
don’t climb onto your roof
the bathroom window
(leaks) don’t
want to leak with it down
into the neighbors
coffee from a coffee maker that
makes only
at a time days
earlier at the university café i
bring a full cup(i you) of ice (i you) say
ionlywantedonecube i know i say
the rest is for me sit
smiling i
do not know portuguese but enough
spanish to help you sometimestranslate
a book of poems* * * * *
violento sometimesmeaning uncomfortable
in spanish (what about you from where you from you: : (at)home::a question what is
a photograph (no technical answers
please) green two
figures and a golf club white hair a bonnet
the art of
(nothing self-taught)
a frame found on the living room
table of a house i rarely visit(foryouloveyou)
to find out later it was
my grandmother that took the picture she’ll
be fine they said go and
when i came back a week later (three
rocks in handeyeshands)
* * * * *
to hurt in portuguese in spanish
now i do i know
(do i?) (i?) (i?)
know i remember you in (notinenglish) i
know because i dreamt of you (or
woke thinking of you)
on the floor of a one-bedroom apartment
two cups of coffee and the
cat pushing two (extra) stones
across the floor