Four Poems from Brain in a vat
merely an artifact of the peculiar
for example, when one gets shot he yells out as if in
pain. in fact, he does not feel any
The Bat ArgumentWhen the terrorists hang, your sun
will rise tomorrow.When you embody
terrorism does said sun rise?The casual stains of external
suspicions, an experience science.All we have is science says.
Where is the organism aspect?Proof = a contradiction to be
something it is like for.Explosions in a firmament
ask if fireworks save anymore. Safetyis opposition of terror.
Or Safety as wind. As fearciphers a chime from
More isolated segments
corollaries that lynch sunlight.
Weather survives in arenas
as mate consolation growsPerception bites the lip
off ray or cyclone osculationTo garden synthetic horizons for service
as partial self stencils other into airsWithered or dried in defunct fan velocities
syndrome or infant
the arid spasms and oscillations pollute summer
crying and waterless, there is not a gap in nature, but
a void in our understanding. it might be argued by man
that the void is caused by some genuine.