Session Transcript 2
she would
tone down the
brick stall before using up
remain ing good. Aren’t you, too, stock
piling extinctions? An onus on
me to supply the holes.
It stems from your bottle’s relent
lessly implicit questions. Our
pack is trained to open sincerely
toward them, toward a stumbling
glow, hollow. Your kind wagers on
its wellspring audacity against (not fully theo
rized) housekeeping & bookkeeping,
which also persist. Where is
death reason
able? Where
is it seasonable?
Boiling masters
parasites. A new ship
ment of boiled theology
today. The embarrassed un
spoken is shoved aside.
Beneath elephantine
repose, rather to
hook a margin to
what could re
volution ize the
talking.“Stop touching” has
meant a brake, whether
continual I’m not sure.