I discover i is an android
In which I discover that, to the state, I am nothing but an accretion of records: birth
certificate, inoculation dates, social security debits, educational transcript, credit
history: thus, I am nothing but a database encased in flesh. Conclusion: i is an android.
1. dior dna not available sir, evoke sids.eve’s ok, kid. it’s adam i’d worry about.
iris disc over i is an and-ran
diode red nun as ire focus’d in
nods you coffee rise anon dare do id.
i ’ad cover, I an ID.
2. die an I. revoke day.de odd err add none ta ’is reef o’ occuli eulogy said on
’r id suck of eris an undereidolon
monadic nuns aside evoke Sid’s ire
to you obsolescent obey ’r’ raw a dim disaster
sever ’is dis echo over is
seldom valiant and torn
row I’ d
row on no one’s war.
3. raw sense of Oh! no one woredim or not dna’d to nail a various mode less
sigh revocable seconds
id is a deep-vested ire rested as
Sid mid a wary ebb oft necks towards Lesbos
you o yo a yo-yo an out
’er is’d is echo very dicey as none as none said anonymous anon
no low die read new nadir fuck accusative re:
nod i as your gulag illocution sows fear
sign at ’e non-dare, doe-eyed.
4. de eyesde Is?
de ides
are dead things are
nodes of not
that leak be
accrudations of see
that deflesh amidst
all that motion
is: so light falls
speaking sum
5. muse, gnomic apeslag you fuck-window
sill laughed high glossoli
no i-tome tattle all tsunamic dim ash-elf eddied taut
ease fontanelles o it ’ad your crown a comical art
a shelf Eddie taught
ebb Ka move ta hot
tone of so photos don
eras knit da ’ead era
said I Ed sigh dia-
gnostic eye,
6. de eye cites on ingaid huge is Dei diad
are dead tin, k? sere.
nods so to hip of SF o enough
to hate modus operandi vivendi ache be ’e
thought ’e i’d deaf leash
trial a sim ’oo can war rowdy at Io sell ’em natal no fees
too at Dei de id defenseless amid sim a nut slave little atomic ion
ill o low sol ligament huge i hid gall all lies
wooden i wick you fur over gals
“yep, a sim, go-on go-go, get some”
7. emo stet gnomic Apep yaslag voracious of you, o ya cupie in eden
say ill all giddy i ago them a gill slow and oily
no I-sim iota let till walls ton amiss dims silence
no fed dies I
read tao too.