New Jersey Transit Diary
phosphorescent hi-
ho kicks unknown or mine and
that’s not a come onhi-ho kicks open
me too? Aren’t painfully
limited alwaysrail ride to fire at
felicity enemy
eye whites will not getmetaphysics pain
fully limited didn’t
see them commutersbecause felici
ty msg caused an un
kind rash bills to makescented hi-ho kicks
so painfully limited
put it here yoghurtphone in feli
city ear speaking out to
love upsets phosphorsee them elicit
when we leave felicity’s
room love bills yoghurtfelicity’s two
tvs say to each painfully
limited didn’tpig phosphorescent
hi-ho kicks are felici
ty’s museum mileme cranky breeze car
ries uptown dog shit scent a
cross my be well beakkicks parents’ ashes
in felicity closet
my film teacher flippedseed like a fine pow
under glass urn don’t put phos
phorescent hi-hoed didn’t see them
owls’ rubber plant underneath
“Patrick Henry” thenlimited saw pic
ture lacked $12.95 kicks
painfully limithi-ho kicks died he
roically on a hurt
ling through space sized rockrescue in still wa
ter felicity’s comics
say phosphorescentwhat felicity
say is it groovy in phos
phorescent hi-ho kickslimited puke so
much information all o
ver felicitybe understood by
felicity average
person, why did painfullyperson this poem sends
a fairly gratifying
diseased self out todidn’t see them my
black corduroy sleeve feli
city averageprefer to wipe fe
licity conure make pain
fully limitedcan painfully lim
ited love phosphorescent
hi-ho kicks little pignot showering its
frame with love phosphorescent
hi-ho kicks knows howwhen felicity
birdy breaks its skull drilling
demon voice a fairkicks are always en
tering without reason to
leave that door unlockedfelicity pipes
blue snow? blue light spread over
New Brunswick snuff meltsition little bird
green head under chin in fe
licity pipes? Insee them a bitchy
conure who crawdad beanbag
crawl down shirt bellysee them process in
felicity pipes painful
ly limited didfelicity throngs
painfully limited did
n’t see them deterfairly gratify
ing disease elsewhere no core
painfully lim