Elizabeth GallowayMAY 8 : 6 a.m. Pour
orange juice in coffee
open present from Julia
oooooooooHelen Mirren -ahh
oooooooooPrime Suspect
from poetfriend - metallic tree pin
oooooooooI am tree-girl
oooooooooput it on
envelope from mom - ck
ooooooooowk's salary tax free
granddaugter phone chat
sudden jack hammersoo repair streets
oooooooooexit porch
ooooooooothrust down windows
rush out to swim
ooooooooono lifeguard opool closed
ooooooooowalk up hill home
pack up lunch oowalk down hill to bus
oooooooooforgot meds
ooooooooowalk back uphill home
oooooooootake meds
walk down hill to bus
ooooooooo90 degrees no breeze
leave best baseball cap on bus
ooooooooorun back across main st
oooooooooflag down bus
oooooooooget baseball cap
arrive work oograde papers
oooooooootoo many A's
arrive painting student ooreviews
ooooooooohands sucked by tubes off red-cavern canvas
oooooooooself-portrait gaze gaze gaze
ooooooooosandspace interiors serene foreign
ooooooooobug ooofrontal oolarge
ooooooooonude oo floating
return home find present from poetfriend
oooooooooJO's GIRLS: tomboy tales of high adventure
oooooooootrue grit and real life
oooooooooI am tom-boy
find mums from 4 yr old Zach downstairs
prepare small beer oored peppers oohummus
attend neighborhood mtg
oooooooooplan July street party
ooooooooovolunteer to judge dog show
I am 63 today