Two PoemsI’m Set Free
Bad news tonight: We’re / Winning the war, Bonzo. / Bring Santa Claus to / The river.
Bring some fireworks. Transcend those / Polyesters. The time has / Come to mix and
match. I never would have guessed / Trees gave a shit. I’m way / More miserable. A face
as long / As old Broadway. Say goodbye. / Tell us that one about / Mattering. Ha ha, that
was good. / You fall and fall, and it’s / Forever funny. We’ll schedule a service. You /
Would have wanted closure. / On the tomorrow show: dancing / People, cramped and
sweating / After last call. Our horrible weapons / Are easy targets. / Set a steady collision
course. / The case cracked before / We were committed to the process. / We Salute you,
Easter Bunny.
Point Guard of the FutureYou are talented at boring. / Freeze and be implicated / For many felonies. It’s a / Fun
new dance: the Sleepwalk. / Put your hands on your / Hips. Those aren’t your hips. /
Wander though watercolors, in / search of an original timepiece. / Why you so blue? It’s
the / Fresh new craze. It’s written / On your eyes, you want me. / C’mon, feel the
pumping organs / And feel the stomach. That’s / Your baby brother, a / Highly regarded
cheeseburger. / I will translate us from / Poor to Wealthy. Seconds / Come off back off
the / Clock. I’m trying to remember / Anything you ever did. / Liars built the pyramids,
Stone / By stone. I am ready to be popular / Prepared to be rewarded. / Watch out
university, here’s / Johnny needing love.