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Michael Basinski is the Associate Curator of The Poetry/Rare Books Collection of University Libraries, SUNY at Buffalo.  his most recent collections include: The Sound Pome Today Must Come to Bum Impoemvisational (House Press, Alberta); Heka (FactorySchool, San Diego); Strange Things Begin to Happen When a Meteor Crashes in the Arizona Desert (Burning Press, Cleveland); Beseechers (Light and Dust Books, Kenosha, Wisconsin); The Lay ov Fraya Wray (Xtant Books) and Mool3Ghosts (Reality Studio, London).  he regularly performs retro and neo Fluxus works with his ensemble The BuFF/Fluxus Project.  see also this website.

Jim Behrle edits can we have our ball back? on the web.  he now lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.

David Braden lives/works/writes in Oakland, California.  he tends to prefer the experimental in poetry and the herbal in shampoo.  he has recently been working on sound poems using .wav files.  his favorite shampoo ingredient is Poly-Quaternium 10.

Michael Carr looks slightly homeless, like everyone else in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  he is a good, wholesome, happy man, who likes figuring out what phone numbers spell.

Del Ray Cross writes most everything down so that he can remember.  piece.

Albert Flynn DeSilver is the editor/publisher of The Owl Press.  recent poems of his have appeared in Zyzzyva, New American Writing, Hanging Loose, Exquisite Corpse, Web Del Sol, Lungfull!, and many others.  he lives in Forest Knolls, California.

Jamine Ergas, who provided the cover art for this issue, is a rock star who likes rhinestones, black cats, and green apple jolly ranchers.  she is frequently heard asking the question, “Do you shampoo?”

Michael Farrell is Australia editor of Slope.  he recently produced ‘Enhancer,’ a spoken word CD for Meanjin.  his interview with Andrew Zawacki is in Cordite 8 and his poems are forthcoming in Lit, Volt, and The Literary Review.

Terrence Fleming lives in The Emerald City (that’s Seattle, Washington).  he has worked as an Associate Editor for Seconds Magazine, has been published here and there (and/or hither and thither), saves his spare change in V-8 cans, and is an expert, second-generation crank-letter-writer.

Carolyn Gregory has a new job.  whew!

Crag Hill.  between the tomatoes and strawberries, beets grow.  there used to be peas but they were not red.  Crag is working on the compost.

Katie Kadue is a high school student living in Los Angeles and counting the days until college.  she has poems forthcoming in several publications, including Recursive Angel and Thunder Sandwich.

Cassie Lewis is based near San Francisco.  she has published her poems widely in Australia, where she’s from, and has a book published there—High Country (Little Esther, 2001).  she runs an email discussion group called Poetry Espresso.

Alex Mendra stays busy by breaking pencil leads in Northern California.  when asked what makes a poem good, Alex often responds with “my favorite poems are the ones with words.”  Alex’s words can be found in a variety of magazines and books.

Aneke McCulloch occasionally speaks German.  she wants to have two babies.  sie studiert an der Monash Universität.

Curran Nault is currently developing his film studies thesis, which as of today is entitled “White Trash Camp,” and is also putting together a conference presentation about Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo.

Ronald Palmer lives and works in Connecticut where he watches a family of five geese (swagger-graze and huddle under an apple tree) from his square window.  poems from his series ‘Logicalogics’ will appear in Fence and Lit.

Leigh Radtke is a warrior, poet, and artist – all so she can maintain her sanity and safety in this world.  she trains in a Close Quarter Combat (CQC) fighting system with other women and exhibits her monotypes in galleries throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

Brendan Ryan lives on a narrow street in Melbourne, where jasmine bushes are in bloom and new home owners are paying big prices for small houses.  his first collection, Why I Am Not a Farmer, was published by Five Islands Press in 2000.

Suzy Saul listens to her radio.  she says they’re really “getting all loosey-goosey” in there.

Jack Shadoian once arm-wrestled T.S. Eliot in an East St. Louis bar for the regional championship—and won.  since this was some years after the poet’s death, an asterisk will accompany this achievement.  wasn’t his night, asterisk or no asterisk.

Chris Stroffolino has recently, but perhaps temporarily, moved from Brooklyn to Oakland.

Joseph Torra is a father, novelist, poet, and editor who paints and plays in a rock band.

Zinovy Vayman, also known as “Zeke” and just plain “Z.”  but plain?  never!  he remains the haibunist extraordinaire.

Nick Whittock has had poems in Slope.  he rarely washes his hair with anything other than water, though he does at times rub rosemary oil into his scalp.  he enjoys cricket.

Tim Yu is a graduate student in English at Stanford University.  he’s published a chapbook, Immersion, as well as poems in the Asian Pacific American Journal.  for more info on his writing, check out his website.  “Eden” was written in response to one of Bernadette Mayer’s writing experiments.  Tim would also like to note that he’s feeling vaguely resentful toward Timothy Liu right now for having such a similar name, although he will probably get over it.

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