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J.M. Barnaby spends her time writing when she could be doing other things. if you look at her closely, you’ll see that she’s covered in a thin layer of cat hair. she lives in Boston with her husband, who is a saint.

Bren Bataclan has been working in computer graphics for over ten years. outside of that, he is a regular gallery exhibitor and a part-time poet.

Janet I. Buck is a two-time Pushcart Nominee who has published poetry and fiction in The Pedestal Magazine, cross connect, The Pittsburgh Quarterly, Niederngasse, and PoetryMagazine.com, among others. she is the author of three poetry collections: Calamity's Quilt, Reefs We Live, and Bookmarks in a Hurricane. her hobbies include needlepoint, piano, cooking, tandem cycling with her husband, and lap swimming.

Avery E. D. Burns’s book, The Idler Wheel, is forthcoming from Manifest Press, a book written while commuting to and fro from Vallejo to San Francisco. poems from a collaboration with Joseph Noble recently appeared online at -VeRT.

Ric Carfagna was born & educated (or so it was called) in Boston. he has since moved to rural Massachusetts where he finds himself quite comfy at home with his lovely wife Mary and a cat named Tux. aside from poetics, a couple of his other interests are long walks through pristine Thoreauvian wilds and listening to classical music – he consciously seeks out new, obscure, seldom heard composers whose names are usually impossible to spell and even harder to pronounce.

Justin Chin is a writer and performance artist. he is the author of Bite Hard and Mongrel: Essays, Distribes & Pranks, and the forthcoming Harmless Medicine (which “O Sweet Cookie” is from) and Burden of Ashes. his hobbies are deconstructing Bananarama albums, single tracks and remixes, and lying on the floor and trying not to move.

Gary Counsil received his BA in English at the University of Colorado, and an MED at Antioch New England Graduate School. currently living in New York City, he’s an instructor at Marymount College as well as a bookseller at Urban Center Books. he has contributed work to Pierogi Press.

Del Ray Cross. every once in a while he submits a poem to the editor in the hopes he won’t publish it. unfortunately, credentials are never necessary.

Lisa Donnelly is known to her friends as Mona (perhaps because she is a work of art). she is a writing major at the University of Hartford and spends her days singing, dancing, writing, and dreaming. there are many colors on her palette and she paints with all of them.

Thomas Downing has taught English for 30 years at Butler County Community College in Butler, Pennsylvania. his first chapbook, self-published, is The Man at the End of the Bench.

Jill Jones lives in Sydney, Australia. her third book of poetry, The Book of Possibilities, was published in 1997. she currently reviews films and looks after an arts website to earn a crust.

Kevin Killian is the author of Shy, Bedrooms Have Windows, Little Men, I Cry Like a Baby, and Argento Series. he lives in San Francisco.

Timothy Liu’s books of poems are Vox Angelica, Burnt Offerings, Say Goodnight and the forthcoming Hard Evidence, in which “Next Day” will appear. he is also the editor of Word of Mouth: An Anthology of Gay American Poetry, just out from Talisman House. he lives in Hoboken, New Jersey.

Chris Major lives with his wife and two children in Staffordshire, England and has been published in such journals as Outposts, Poetry Nottingham, Sepia, and Poetry Bradford and such webzines as Snakeskin, The Poetry Kit, PoetryMagazine.com, and Stirrings. his favorite poets are Philip Larkin and Robert Frost.

Eddie Mann is twenty-seven years old, in love with Catharine Nightingale, lives on a boat in the U.K., would like to be more rebellious, & hates being bombarded by bullshit.

Penelope Talbert is the founder of Circle Publications and the editor of The Circle Magazine, a quarterly print and electronic literary journal. she is a member of the Executive Board of BerksBards, a nonprofit poetry organization based in Berks County, Pennsylvania; a founding member of the Lebanon Poetry Project, a not-for-profit poetry organization in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania; and manager for the spoken word poetry band Left Sock Theory.

Zinovy Vayman just got back to Bostonsky from Russia. or was it Japan? he once met John Ashbery in Israel.

Scott Villarosa is 21 years of age and he lives in Geelong, Victoria, Australia. when not putting his pen to paper, Scott enjoys creating his own websites, going to clubs and rave parties, reading, drumming, tertiary studies, and working in the hospitality sector as a food and beverage attendant. his ambition in life is as yet unforeseeable for his future in waiting remains one of complete mystery.

Dana Ward lives, works, and poetizes in Cincinnati, Ohio. his poems have appeared or are forthcoming in -VeRT, Can we have our ball back?, Dad, and an Oasia broadside.

Andrena Zawinski, originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, now lives in Oakland, California. she is Feature Editor at PoetryMagazine.com, and is seeking a publisher for her latest collection, Lightning without Rain. check out other work by Andrena at The Adirondack Review, ForPoetry, poets4peace, and Disquieting Muses.

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