Brendan Ryan
Lament for Piano Accordian

She was chalking up in a bar full of men
We dance out of arguments till dawn
Cask wine, hair dye, D.M.’s to the groin
I held her like a rumour when her father died

We dance out of arguments till dawn
Each morning’s hangover brings our bodies together
I held her like a rumour when her father died
We take short cuts up back streets looking for hard rubbish

Each morning’s hangover brings our bodies together
Watching you cartwheel down a winter beach
We take short cuts up back streets looking for hard rubbish
I drive past our night on the footy oval and have to pull over

Watching you cartwheel down a winter beach
I was seduced by a woman who loved crisps
I drive past our night on the footy oval and have to pull over
You’re the only one of my ex-boyfriends who hasn’t become a DJ

I was seduced by a woman who loved crisps
Riding past her house is riding out of memory
You’re the only one of my ex-boyfriends who hasn’t become a DJ
A colony of moths was crawling up her bedroom wall

Riding past her house is riding out of memory
Then, I was waking in a paddock of black bulls
A colony of moths was crawling up her bedroom wall
She fled the night I asked her to move in

Then, I was waking in a paddock of black bulls
She found me where there was nothing left between sky and earth
She fled the night I asked her to move in
She was chalking up in a bar full of men

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